Old North State Detectorists Club

"Rediscovering the Past"

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Our Supporters

The following have graciously supported ONSD in the past.  Please consider them for any of your metal detecting needs!


Barbee Detector Sales

2008-B S. Church St.
Burlington, NC 27215
Shop 336-222-9232


Barbee Detector Sales on Facebook 


Home Depot # 3633  - High Point, NC. (336) 883-0500



"We are a family owned business which started out with my love for all things metal detecting. I began my hobby about 4 years ago which quickly turned into  passion of mine. Finding lost treasures is addictive. I am here to help and guide you on your purchase, don't hesitate to email us with any questions."

DetectingClay is an authorized dealer for:
Nokta Makro




"Grave Digger Tools is family owned and operated that all started back in 2014 from a shovel that broke when I was detecting in my back yard. I know it sounds cliche but its true. As a welder/fabricator of Industrial Machinery by Trade, I took it upon myself to make one not knowing that by posting a picture of it would spark so much attention in the digging community. After my first year of hand making these tools I had revised everything not only to look cool and stand out but to be as hard and strong as possible. Grave Digger Tools is a family owned and operated business and I believe in communication and customer support not only on a business but personal level as well."